On behalf of the European Commission and the Île-de-France Region are glad to invite you to the Cluster Policy Learning and Capacity Building event called ‘’Clusters driving the Green and Digital transitions’’. This event will take place on 22 and 23 November 2021.
Co-organised by the Ile-de-France Regional Council with the support of its President Valérie Pécresse, this event will focus on the role of clusters, regions, and cities in supporting the ‘Green and Digital transition’. The European Cluster Collaboration Platform will also take this opportunity to present the state of play of the Policy Toolkit to operationalise the European Cluster Expert Group recommendations to leverage clusters for a greener, digital and more resilient EU economy that were included in their Report adopted in December 2020. This will be also the occasion to exchange on how to better use clusters as a strategic tool of industrial policy and for integrating SMEs into EU and global value chains.
The Ile-de-France Region hosts a dynamic ecosystem on the circular and digital economy and is a leading Smart Region. In this sense, concrete examples by the local cluster ecosystem will be presented also through site visits in the Paris region.
This event will be exceptionally held in hybrid format, with in person participants at the premises of the Île de France Region in Saint Ouen and remote participants following the livestreamed event on a virtual platform.
For further information and updates about the event, please consult the official website and find here the official agenda of the event. Up to two places per Partnership will be reserved for ESCP-4x Partnerships that are willing to join the “Clusters driving the Green and Digital transitions” event in person.
In order to contribute to efforts to slow the spread of the virus, all physical attendees will be asked to wear a mask, present an ID document and the EU Digital Covid Certificate with a vaccination proof, a remission certificate or a negative test not older than 72 hours to access the event.
The ‘’Clusters driving the Green and Digital transitions’’ event will be followed by a half-day
Partnering Event for ESCP-4x cluster organisations, taking place on the 23rd November
2021 afternoon.
The participation of minimum one and maximum two partners (persons) from each
Partnership in the Partnering event is mandatory (for further information please refer to
article 2.2.2 of the COS-CLUSTER-2018-03-02 Call for Proposals).
Furthermore, up to two places per Partnership will be reserved for ESCP-4x Partnerships that are willing to join the “Clusters driving the Green and Digital transitions” event in person. The official agenda of the Partnering-side event will be shared with you shortly.
Participation on spot is upon invitation only and will be subject to a selection from the organisers, therefore make sure to register for the Policy Event and the Partnering-side event here before the 12 November 2021.