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Cluster Excellence for Business


the ClusterXchange Platform

Benefit from cross sectoral and international cooperation, learning and networking in the health sector.

About the project

The project CE4BIG – Cluster Excellence for Business Innovation and Growth in the Health Sector, federates 4 European healthcare clusters, with similar regional smart specialization strategies supporting the development of advanced therapies for personalized medicine. The consortium consists of the project leader, Atlanpole Biotherapies from France, BioM from Germany, BioWin from Belgium and Life Science Krakow from Poland.

Atlanpole Biotherapies co-ordinates the work of laboratories, companies, and platforms for a public-private complete, relevant and competitive solution, on the bio-medicine (…)

(…) value chain from target discovery to clinical evaluation. Atlanpole Biotherapies is an interregional cluster, including Pays de la Loire – Bretagne – Centre Val de Loire region, which was recognized and certified by the Ministry of Industry (July 2005).

Since 1997, BioM is the network organization of the biotechnology sector in Munich and in Bavaria, commissioned by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs. 

Approximately 270 biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies are present in the metropolitan area of Munich. The core competence of the region is the development of innovative therapeutics and diagnostics, in particular for personalized healthcare. 

BioWin was created in July 2006 and today is the key reference in the field of health biotechnology and medical technologies in Wallonia (a region located south of (…) 

(…) Brussels, Belgium). The cluster brings together Walloon players who are involved, at every stage, in the research, development and production of innovative products and services: academic and clinical research laboratories, accredited research centres, large industrial groups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), service providers, engineering colleges and universities, business incubators, investors, policy makers and associated bodies.

The Foundation’s mission is to develop collaboration networks in the area of life sciences in order to pool and exploit the potential of individuals and institutions (…)

(…) including businesses, universities, independent research units, business support organizations and local authorities in the Małopolska region. The Foundation supports entrepreneurship and innovative activities connected with life sciences, and works to create suitable conditions for effective commercialization of the outcomes of scientific research at universities and R&D institutes.


Cluster Excellence for Business Innovation and Growth in the Health Sector

ClusterXchange is about breaking barriers

and partnering beyond borders

Search and match

Exchange building between participants

Exchange execution Onsite & Online

Post-exchange reporting and final validation process of an exchange

The ClusterXchange allows visitors to learn and stay with a host organisation from another country with the financial support of a grant. The exchanges aim at helping SMEs within the partnership, design and fine-tune their business models, develop new partnerships, seize new business opportunities abroad and secure funding for business and innovation to reach proof of technology and grow beyond. The exchanges also enhance the innovation process by providing professional and sector-specific support to bio-entrepreneurs and start-ups. 

The ClusterXchange allows visitors to learn and stay with a host organisation from another country with the financial support of a grant

Benefits for Visitors

Visiting are defined as the travelling party of an exchange

  • Up to one month staying abroad with a selected partner in another participating country, in order to gain the relevant knowledge in various areas (e.g. financial and operational management, development of innovative products and services, branding and marketing practices, and effective planning)
  • Refinement of business ideas/plans;
  • Broadening network of contacts;
  • Gaining knowledge about foreign markets and facilitate access to them;
  • Development of potential new cross-border business opportunities and partnerships;
  • Gaining insights into a different cultural and organisational setting/workplace and understanding how a cluster organisation and/or a company operates in another participating country;
  • Possibility of finding out about:
    -European commercial law and the single European market,
    -European standardisation,
    -European support for SMEs.
  • Improvement of language skills;
  • Participation in Alumni Network.

Benefits for Hosting Organisations

Host organisations are defined as the organizer of an exchange

  • Build or consolidate a serious and sustainable collaboration with a partner from another participating country. This collaboration could contribute to their activity development through innovative ideas and views;
  • Gain knowledge about the visitor’s domestic markets — including business contacts — and opportunities to internationalise their business;
  • Interact with hosts from other participating countries and become part of a dynamic network and  benefit from it;
  • Improve professionalization and/or growth of their organisation and opportunity to establish a new business partnership directly with a partner from another country;
  • Benefit from assistance provided by ESCP-4x in the search for a potential exchange partner and the support of the exchange with a visitor;
  • Access new skills and innovative knowledge provided by a visitor that does not exist in the host organisation;
  • Improvement of language skills;
  • Participation in Alumni Network.

The ClusterXchange IT Tool - entry point for applications

The process of successfully matching a host and a visitor is a key element of the scheme

The process of successfully matching a host and a visitor is a key element of the scheme. The ClusterXchange IT Tool will enable applicants to search for an exchange partner and find suitable matches. By finding the closest fitting matches for a potential exchange, the ClusterXchange IT Tool will search for similarities between answers provided by an aspiring visiting organisation and the answers submitted by host organisations through an online catalogue.

Do not miss this chance to broaden your network, develop new skills, and increase your business competitiveness.

Discover the Platform

The goal of the ClusterXchange platform is to facilitate transnational and cross-sector cooperation, learning and networking between clusters through short-term exchanges to better connect Europe’s industrial ecosystems and facilitate cooperation, peer-learning, networking and innovation uptake.

The ClusterXchange is a new initiative, supported by the European Commission, to address the continued need for innovation and cross-fertilisation opportunities amongst industrial ecosystems. The scheme is managed by the 13 European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Excellence (ESCP-4x) and it is a service provided by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP).

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