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Cluster Excellence for Business

Strona główna » Silver quality label for the Cluster LifeScience Kraków

Silver quality label for the Cluster LifeScience Kraków

We are pleased to announce that Klaster LifeScience Kraków received the international badge „Cluster Management Excellence Silver Label Certificate” the Silver Label of Cluster Management Quality, another level of the European Certificate of Excellence.

Cluster LifeScience Kraków has been subjected to a benchmarking analysis and certification audit, which showed that the cluster management processes, which are systematically implemented in the organization, are positive and confirm the quality and impact of the Cluster in the Region and on the European arena. The methodology was developed by an international team of ESCA (European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis) experts.

Benchmarking covers the following areas:

  • Cluster structure
  • Management, strategy
  • Financing
  • Services provided
  • Contacts and interactions with the environment
  • Results of operation and the cluster’s reputation

The certificate is an authentication tool for cluster organizations. It confirms their quality and value. Its task is to distinguish them, motivate them to compete and contribute to the growth of interest in the cluster of potential partners. It is awarded by the ESCA only to the best cluster organizations and only for two years.

The cluster organization is also entered into the public database of clusters participating in the verification process. A database of all organizations can be found at:

The certification system is an activity recognized throughout Europe. This tool is recognized by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, as well as by the Polish Ministry of Economy.

Currently, two clusters in Poland and about 50 in Europe have a silver certificate.

Bronze, Silver… only gold remains!